When asked what the mayor's plans were for Elk Park concerning the road surface, Rose DeRoma, the mayor's assistant and spokesperson said, "We will be asking local contractors for estimates on a complete resurfacing project, which would include all parking areas currently surfaced. Also, we would consider the parking and center line markings if the cost can be afforded in our current budget." She later stated off camera, "It would be nice to see some or all of the Ridge Heights businesses donate whatever they can to help us complete the project. They always profit when Elk Park is drawing huge crowds, and a way to get those crowds is with  the upkeep of the park grounds."


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Ridge Heights police chief John Benruble is urging residents living near or driving past the cemetery to keep an eye out for suspicious activity especially during the early evening hours just before dark. There are reports of missing or broken tombstones, and in some cases attempts at digging up graves have occurred. He believes the vandals are using the last bit of daylight so not to attract any attention during the day or easily seen using lighting later. "They could be choosing graves randomly or they may be looking for something specific, and are upending others to draw attention from their main objective. If you see anything or hear anyone saying something curious, then you are asked to call the  police immediately. You can remain anonymous, and you will not be asked to testify," the chief said.

The school board will be meeting to discuss the mayor's idea of renting the football stadium to people who want to use the streets and corners for activities. The mayor doesn't like having parts of Ridge Heights blocked off, or the traffic flow disrupted for someone's agenda. He wants the organizers to pay for a permit to use the stadium for their purpose, and wants to give the money to the student lunch program so that all the students can get a portion of their lunch cost reimbursed. Another advantage of this suggestion, he claims, is that the business in town won't be disrupted for hours on end. "They have every right, and pay their fare share of taxes to have their business operate without enduring any unnecessary grief," he stated emphatically. "I hope the board members will consider the benefits for all involved."

Ridge Heights news: