Ridge Heights: Who's in charge of the elk? is a murder mystery with an arrest of a person that leaves you wondering if a mistake had been made. The mystery written by Dominic Pope not to become an author but for a story that could be the basis for a contest. A contest that would include readers trying to determine if the right person had been arrested, and if not, then who and how did someone else commit the crime. The contest never happened, but at the request of his readers another book created.

Ridge Heights: Who's in charge of the elk? - 2 was written mainly to satisfy the readers who wondered why the first Ridge Heights ended in an unconvincing way. Since the contest wasn't going to happen, Mr. Pope decided to solve the crime in the second book, but in the process he left another crime unsolved without an arrest. Mr. Pope was trying to maintain his original objective of a contest, but for some of the same reasons the contest never happened and again, another book created.

Pages and Rages written in response to some of the achievements and failures of the first two books. Wanting a way to vent his frustration with the entire project, Mr. Pope decided to write a fictional story based on events surrounding the creation of the Ridge Heights books. Pages and Rages is a book about the books about. The pages tell the story, and the rages are the venting of years of pent-up frustration that could be considered Mr. Pope's comical version of anger management. Regardless of the rages, the pages tell an interesting view of owning and operating a business with a journey down the writing and self-publishing road. All done without compromising his main objective, which was for the project to provide an opportunity for a contest.


Pages:  News, information, opinion!—1, 2, 3, 4,

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