(Ridge Heights G & B Beauty Parlor) Gladys on everyday life: I don't know about you, but I find it very hard to accomplish something on my first try. Nearly every time I have to do a simple task it takes me two, or three, or four times before it gets done. Sometimes the person who knows what to do isn't there, sometimes it's not the right time or the right day, sometimes someone tells you they will get back to you but they never do.  You have to prove who you say you are, and you have to prove that you have something in particular before anyone will begin to help.  Then, after you explain the situation to them, they say you'll have to talk to someone else.That someone isn't available at the moment, but you can leave a message or call back. What the f#$%? How about when you buy something or try something, and someone says you can always bring it back, or come back for an adjustment. Really! Do they think I have nothing better to do but come back? I want to be done with this so that I can move on to something else. I don't want to be on the same subject longer than I want to be. I'll go over there to get something fixed, and then I have to go back there to get something fixed. If I go over here to get something taken care of, then I have to come back here to get something taken care of. If I buy something over there, then I have to go somewhere else to get the rest of what I need. You try to save some time and make a call ahead to help yourself, but sometimes the person you're talking to speaks so fast you can't understand a f$%^ing word. Who decided to put those people to work the phone? Or maybe you get lucky and you can understand, but there's so much background noise that you can't hear what they're saying. HAS ANYBODY SEEN QUALITY CONTROL? They're good at taking your money though.

Rages:Where Pope's fiction Rages on! —1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,


