(Fiesty Ridge Heights realtor) Christine Slate on real estate: For a while I was the only realtor in Ridge Heights. Now there are a few others, but I still get most of the listings. I made my money by working hard and working all the time. Sometimes people see a house for sale, and they want you to drop what you're doing to meet them. They don't care what time it is, or what you're doing. They've decided they want to see it now, and they expect you to kiss their a&&. I did it for a while trying to make sales, but I learned my lesson, and now I tell them to make an appointment. They usually do, but some go to the other realtors. I don't care. I've had enough of dealing with people and their ridiculous demands. Then they want to make remarks regarding my taste for nice things, and those things even caused some of my friends to ridicule me. Why do you need this? Why did you buy that? What are you doing with something so expensive?  Do you really need that? What I really need is for you to mind your own f$%^ing business! Don't worry about what I do, worry about what you do! You'll be better off since you'll have more time for your sorry self.  I like the ones who pretend they're concerned about my well being so they can ask a favor or to borrow something, which they never give back. It's their way of saying you were out-smarted. You didn't out-smart me you f$%^ing  dumb a$$. You out-smarted yourself! I'm done with you! If I would have known that was all it would take to get rid of you, I would have done it sooner! Everybody wants to be cute is what I believe, but the only person that thinks they're cute is themselves. So I keep everything in perspective, and continue to work at selling homes and buying myself the things I want until I decide to retire.  And for the people who have issue with that, too f$%^ing bad!

Rages:Where Pope's fiction Rages on! —1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,


