(Ridge Heights police) Officer Singer on law enforcement: The chief leaves some of the law enforcement for the officers to decide. He wants us to invest our time to the control of more serious crimes rather the nuisance crimes. If you think about it, we could be so busy everyday that we wouldn't be able to keep up with the activities of the criminals, or suspected criminals who we've deemed dangerous. I hope you realize that we can get anyone for nearly anything. We can stop and arrest you for walking in the wrong area, talking too loudly, smoking in public and even for smoking on some private property. We can stop you for drinking, for snow on your car, for no turn signals, for not having your headlights on, for not wearing your seatbelt, and for not having your children seated properly. We can stop you for yelling at someone, or saying something racial, sexist, defamatory, challenging and for chewing gum. Yes, that's right. There's even a law concerning the acceptable way of chewing gum in public. Seriously! The politicians have written so many laws that I doubt they remember what to enforce. We can charge you for just about anything that doesn't conform to standards set by people we don't know.  I believe it's all about the money. Get the money so that we can fund ourselves to enforce the new laws coming in the future, so that we can fund ourselves some more. That's how Ridge Heights came back from the financial problems of the past. We started getting the money any way we could, but that's been forsaken. We don't want the serious crime to overtake us and leave us with an uphill battle to try and  regain control of it.  So for law enforcement in Ridge Heights; I'd say that you're well protected here due to our discretion concerning the rule of law.

Rages:Where Pope's fiction Rages on! —1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,


